Cocoa Snaps


  • 1 ½ cup melted butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 2 cups cocoa powder (unsweatened)
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 cups flour
  • 3 large eggs, beaten
  • 4 tsp baking soda


Melt butter and mix in cocoa until it's thoroughly blended. Add brown sugar. Let it cool slightly, then mix in beaten eggs. Add sod, salt, and vanilla and stir. Add flour and mix thoroughly. Chill dough for at least 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, rack in the middle position.

Roll dough into walnut-sized balls. This dough may be sticky, so roll only enough for the cookies you plan to bake immediately, then return the bowl to the fridge. Roll th enough balls in the sugar and place them on greased cookie sheets. Flatten them with a spatula. Bake for 10 minutes.